
Welcome to my blog. I document my life, adventures in travel and thoughts on living a sustainable lifestyle. Hope you have a nice stay!

Seville, Spain. 18th-23rd April

Seville, Spain. 18th-23rd April

In approximately 26 hours I will finally be stepping foot into Seville! Yay! 

I didn't know about the city of Seville until recently and boy am I glad that I've discovered it. Seville is the capital city of the autonomous community of Andalusia located in the south of Spain (a very obvious case of wikipedia to the rescue).

Just looking at Google images is enough to make you want to hop on the next available flight and sun yourself under the Seville Sun and spend the next couple of days exploring the city.

Google Images

Google Images

I've been to Spain (Barcelona and Madrid) on various occasions but judging by the 'Seville to do list' that has been put together for me and forcefully pinned on my Iphone maps, I think that Seville will give me the opportunity to explore Spain in a completely different way!

Unfortunately we just miss the Semana Santa festival that takes places between the 12th-17th which promises a full week of serious dancing, drinking, eating and socialising BUT festival or no festival, I'm sure the Spaniards will show us a great time - and judging from my previously boozy nights in Barcelona I have no doubt in my mind about this.

Seville Festival. Google Images

Seville Festival. Google Images

With the promise of endless tapas, stunning historic sites and vivacious flamenco bars I can't wait to get lost in the city and fully emerge myself in the culture of this little hideaway. 

Looking forward to posting some pictures of the trip!



Preparing For Seville!

Preparing For Seville!

Vienna, Austria. 4th-9th Jan

Vienna, Austria. 4th-9th Jan